Sunday, November 8, 2009

Master Cleanse Detox Recipe

Lemonade Diet Recipe

Have you heard about the lemonade diet, also called the master cleanse?
Maybe you read how Beyonce lost 20 pounds by going on this diet.
Anyway, it is a ten day fast where the only thing you are allowed to consume is a special recipe of lemonade drink. It is made with organic lemon juice (the juice you squeeze from organic lemons) and you can't use bottled lemon juice. It has to be fresh.
The other main ingredient is organic maple syrup. This is not simply ordinary pancake syrup, it has to be genuine grade "b" organic maple syrup. You also put in cayenne pepper, and it is all mixed with filtered water. This can't be regular bottled spring water either.

The wonderful thing about doing this cleanse is that lots of toxins are removed from your body, but you either have to have a lot of willpower or strength to be able to withstand the hunger for ten days. Actually, after three or four days you stop feeling so hungry, but getting there is rough. Most people suffer so much from headaches, body aches and hunger that they quit before the end of the third day. Too bad, because after you complete the ten day master cleanse diet you really feel so much better.

But how do you get past the discomfort? There are secrets for completing the lemonade diet successfully. If you check out the new website at you will see how to become successful at removing toxins and losing pounds with this cleanser diet.